Ross Brown | (253) 217-1360

Ross Brown is a light artist who has been creating amazing shows for the Sequim Sunshine Festival since 2020. His latest work is an interactive light experience that lets you explore the art and science of light in a darkened room. You can see some pictures of the latest show below.

The interactive light experience has several viewing stations where you can play with light in different ways. You can make colorful shadows, bend light with lenses, reflect light with mirrors, and absorb light with filters. You can learn how light behaves and how it affects our perception of colors.

The interactive light experience will be open at the Pioneer Park Club House on Friday, March 1st from 5:00 to 8:00 pm and Saturday, March 2nd from 12:00 to 6:30 pm.

The colorful sandbox (below) is one of the interactive light pieces that the kids love. It uses LED strip lighting that changes color with the sand height. You can make your own landscapes and see the colors change as you shape the sand.

The viewing stations have different environments where you can change the light. You can sit down and use switches and other controllers to manipulate the light in each environment.

The event is not only about the indoor light experience. You can also enjoy some outdoor light art pieces that will dazzle your eyes.

And finally we have Ross Brown’s “Light Engines” Which can be found on display at the Greenpod Gallery in Port Townsend